
Finally healing

Finally healing

A happy ending after all.
2025-02-16 (amadeus)
Life update #4

Life update #4

Everything takes longer...
2024-10-17 (amadeus)
Server for Love You More

Server for Love You More

I am building a server from old computer parts for our new company.
2024-10-06 (amadeus)
Water collection stage 1

Water collection stage 1

I am making my own Water collection stage 1.
2024-04-27 (amadeus)
DIY Roland Boutique stands (finished)

DIY Roland Boutique stands (finished)

The DIY Roland Boutique stands are finished.
2024-04-27 (amadeus)
Inverter dilemma (updated)

Inverter dilemma (updated)

I had to replace my Deye inverter by an MPP Solar model.
2024-04-21 (amadeus)
DIY Roland Boutique stands

DIY Roland Boutique stands

I am making my own DIY Roland Boutique stands.
2024-03-26 (amadeus)
Life update #3

Life update #3

An update after 319 days.
2024-01-13 (amadeus)
Studio rebuild almost complete (updated)

Studio rebuild almost complete (updated)

The studio rebuild almost done now.
2024-01-05 (amadeus)
Slowly (getting there)

Slowly (getting there)

Slowly or ช้าๆช้าๆ (cháa-cháa) in Thai.
2023-12-14 (amadeus)
Rust (everywhere)

Rust (everywhere)

Rust everywhere (no, not that kind of rust).
2023-12-14 (amadeus)
Studio desk restauration

Studio desk restauration

The third coat of primer is applied.
2023-12-05 (amadeus)
Rainy season

Rainy season

Rainy season still in full effect.
2023-12-04 (amadeus)
Learn Thai

Learn Thai

My wife and I look forward to our Thai lessons every day.
2023-12-03 (amadeus)


Thy Hydrometer, our new (indispensable) little friend.
2023-11-19 (amadeus)
Time for a break

Time for a break

Studio rebuild in progress.
2023-11-14 (amadeus)
Start of studio rebuild

Start of studio rebuild

Finally starting to rebuild my studio.
2023-11-13 (amadeus)


Our new workshop is almost finished.
2023-10-13 (amadeus)
Warmth of the sun's rays

Warmth of the sun's rays

Enjoying the heat.
2023-09-25 (amadeus)


Selecting paint with Mónica.
2023-07-24 (amadeus)
Home studio dreaming

Home studio dreaming

I am in the process of planning my new home studio.
2023-07-19 (amadeus)


2023-06-30 (amadeus)
Still healing #2

Still healing #2

An in-depth look at my healing transformation over the past 13 years.
2023-06-28 (amadeus)


Ready for the next adventure.
2023-04-29 (amadeus)