
Redesigned GUI for JC-303, the open source TB-303 plugin

Redesigned GUI for JC-303, the open source TB-303 plugin

I designed a new GUI for the JC-303 open source TB-303 emulation.
2024-09-03 (amadeus)
Love you more

Love you more

We are starting a new company!
2024-06-13 (amadeus)
Fundamentally one

Fundamentally one

We are one.
2023-08-04 (amadeus)
Logo, Linux DAW

Logo, Linux DAW

A designed a logo for the Linux audio plugin directory Linux DAW.
2023-07-19 (amadeus)
Extended wallpaper

Extended wallpaper

I added four logos of initiatives (and products) that are important to me and updated the wallpaper set accordingly.
2023-07-05 (amadeus)


Made myself business cards in 2023...
2023-05-01 (amadeus)
Updated logo and wallpaper

Updated logo and wallpaper

I made updated my logo and wallpaper.
2023-03-14 (amadeus)
Booklet for

Booklet for "2" in the works

The PDF booklet for "2" is now ready as well.
2019-06-02 (amadeus)