
Thoughts, reflections and notes directly from Amadeus Paulussen's heart and mind.

All newer articles are written in English, some older articles are only German, and a few are both."

RSS feed available!


Little firework of nature

Little firework of nature

Beautiful little firework of nature.
2018-07-22 (amadeus)
Happy Hackintosh

Happy Hackintosh

AMD Radeon Pro WX 7100 makes for a happy Hackintosh!
2018-07-21 (amadeus)
Critical listening with style

Critical listening with style

Vintage G100 headphone amplifier from Lake People!
2018-07-21 (amadeus)
My car

My car

Our car with pedals.
2018-07-15 (amadeus)
My sanctuary

My sanctuary

Living in a homestudio!
2018-07-15 (amadeus)
Rebuilding the modular system

Rebuilding the modular system

Cleaning and maintenance for the modular system.
2018-07-15 (amadeus)


Some goodies hidden in a secret compartment.
2018-07-15 (amadeus)
Captain Babicz

Captain Babicz

Captain Babicz in Studio Magazin.
2018-06-09 (amadeus)
A new dress for Maths

A new dress for Maths

New dress for the awesome Makenoise Maths module.
2018-05-24 (amadeus)
Cable Bugs

Cable Bugs

Cable labeling solution for the studio.
2018-05-20 (amadeus)
The Eurorack is growing

The Eurorack is growing

Grayscale Modular metal panel.
2018-05-10 (amadeus)
A new dress for 0-Coast

A new dress for 0-Coast

Switching the panel of my Makenoise 0-Coast.
2018-05-10 (amadeus)
King Bipolino

King Bipolino

Our sweet friend Bipolino.
2018-04-23 (amadeus)
Manuals collection

Manuals collection

It is always fun to learn something new.
2018-04-23 (amadeus)


I am feeling strong and free.
2018-04-19 (amadeus)
Universe girl

Universe girl

We are one.
2018-04-19 (amadeus)
Keeping the Hackintosh tidy

Keeping the Hackintosh tidy

Hackintosh maintenance time.
2018-04-08 (amadeus)
Gubal practicing

Gubal practicing

Practicing Gubal and trying recording setups.
2018-04-08 (amadeus)
Eurorack pit

Eurorack pit

Waiting for the MiniBrute 2S.
2018-04-08 (amadeus)
Everybody love everybody

Everybody love everybody

Will Ferrell quote from Semi Pro.
2018-04-04 (amadeus)


Leasuring on my spaceship.
2018-04-04 (amadeus)
Alles ist für immer

Alles ist für immer

Everything is forever.
2018-04-04 (amadeus)
0-Coast Eurorack mod

0-Coast Eurorack mod

Make Noise O-Coast in the Eurorack
2018-04-03 (amadeus)
Raw vegan chocolate bananas

Raw vegan chocolate bananas

Delicious raw chocolate bananas.
2018-03-24 (amadeus)