
Thoughts, reflections and notes directly from Amadeus Paulussen's heart and mind.

All newer articles are written in English, some older articles are only German, and a few are both."

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Allmost perfect keyboard

Allmost perfect keyboard

Found the perfect mechanical keyboard for me.
2020-06-07 (amadeus)
Fulfilment for everyone

Fulfilment for everyone

Still dreaming of a world without violence, a world of equality and abundance for everyone.
2020-06-02 (amadeus)


We are forced to earn money in order to live, and we are hemmed in by an environment and an industry that is entirely designed to constrain us, keep us dependent and exploit us commercially.
2020-05-28 (amadeus)
New music in the works

New music in the works

Time to work on some new music!
2020-04-11 (amadeus)


A lovely raw vegan plate.
2020-03-26 (amadeus)


Instead of riding the cargobike every day, I sometimes like to slow down even more and walk, maybe listen to the some good music on the walkman.
2020-03-26 (amadeus)


I don’t understand how it is still legal to exploit animals. Now that everyone knows the consequences.
2020-03-22 (amadeus)
Natural architecture

Natural architecture

Architecture, truly guided and in harmony with nature.
2020-01-22 (amadeus)
Furutech plugs

Furutech plugs

I simply adore Furutech plugs!
2019-12-06 (amadeus)
Nord Drum 3

Nord Drum 3

Yesterday, I had the chance to play with the Norddrum. I love this machine in many ways.
2019-11-25 (amadeus)


I miss you so much, Rox!
2019-10-20 (amadeus)


2019-10-02 (amadeus)
Work in paradise

Work in paradise

Way too much work in paradise.
2019-10-01 (amadeus)
Sea and me

Sea and me

Sea and me.
2019-09-28 (amadeus)


These past couple of weeks haven’t been easy for us.
2019-09-18 (amadeus)
Deux (preorder)

Deux (preorder)

Second collaboration with the fantastic handpan player Sylvain Paslier.
2019-08-22 (amadeus)


I was just sitting down on the floor to be closer to the dogs.
2019-08-17 (amadeus)
Living The Dream (preorder)

Living The Dream (preorder)

Only a couple of days left and the first single by The Paulussen Terry Project will be out!
2019-08-16 (amadeus)
Bird love

Bird love

The neighbor’s lovely dogs found three little baby birds and a destroyed birdhome in the garden the other day.
2019-08-10 (amadeus)
Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 4

Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 4 "alle Optionen"

I love smooth love songs, rhythm and blues, soul. This is my take on it.
2019-07-20 (amadeus)
Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 16

Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 16 "Un" feat. Sylvain Paslier

Sylvain initially composed and recorded his hand-pan playing and sent it over to me. I then constructed a song around his initial ideas.
2019-07-18 (amadeus)
Mobile survival kit

Mobile survival kit

Mobile survival kit.
2019-07-13 (amadeus)
Video: Heimstudio

Video: Heimstudio

Mein erstes, richtiges Video.
2019-07-11 (amadeus)
Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 23

Video: Exclusive album 2 preview – 23 "ein Augenblick"

A song I would describe as starting out slow and pretending to be calm, until it suddenly takes a dramatic change in its overall appearance for the ending stage.
2019-07-11 (amadeus)